Thursday, February 25, 2010

Weekend with Family!

Grandma Chris and Brayden had fun looking at a Tiger.

We had a great day at Oak Mountain State Park. LeAnn and Rachel drove all the way from Florida to spend the day with us! We went to the petting Zoo, had lunch by the lake and went for a hike. The best part was when Conner and Rachel took off up the side of the mountain and wouldn't come back! Every few feet they would turn around and laugh, and Conner would shout "ta da!" It was great watching LeAnn run up the mountain after them! I'm so glad Chris and LeAnn came to visit!

Friday, August 28, 2009

For Conners 3rd Birthday we went miniature golfing! He had a blast, and he even out golfed Marc a few times! Brayden loved carrying around his putter and hitting everyone's golf balls for them! Afterward's we had a barbecue and ate a cake that looked like a golf course! We had a great time celebrating our little mans birthday!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We went to the botanical gardens and Brayden had a blast in the water fountain!

Conner in his box!

Conner had a great time watching a movie while inside his box! He even had a bowl of popcorn in there! Oh, to be young again!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Brayden's First Steps!

Brayden took his first steps tonight! He has been so close for weeks now, but he's just been too scared! Finally, right before bedtime he got brave and walked between Marc and I for about 15 min. He had a blast! Conner loved sitting there with us cheering him on.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Here is my first post! I hope I can figure out this blog stuff pretty soon so that this looks more interesting!
Here is an update on all of us. We are all melting! It is so hot and humid here! We are all getting cabin fever from having to stay in the air conditioned house!
Marc is working at CVS for the summer. I am staying home with the boys. They are a blast! Conner loves to play basketball, watch movies, read books, painting and play with Brayden. Brayden just turned one and thinks he is big like Conner. He just taught himself how to climb in Conners 4-wheeler and he pushes the button to make it go. To bad he can't steer!